She's the One

She's the One

La donna per me

104 นาที
คอเมดี้ |แฟนตาซี |โรแมนติก

What if you could answer any question and eliminate all doubts before making the most important decision of your life? What if, by some sort of magic, you could live your life pursuing your wildest and deepest desires? That’s what’s about to happen to Andrea, a thirty-year-old man on the eve of his wedding with Laura, the girl he met in college and with whom he built a life together. Andrea starts waking up everyday in a different life and a different self, in realities where he and Laura never got together in the first place. Exploring the many paths his life could have lead him on to, from unapologetic womanizer to acclaimed musician, Andrea will have to face the void Laura’s absence left in his many different “iterations”. Will he try to break the spell?

Marco Martani

Marco Martani

ผู้กำกับ, นักเขียน

Eleonora Ceci

Eleonora Ceci


