


Mar 3, 2012

The White Guard

The White Guard

Белая гвардия

The White Guard is a Russian television series, based on the novel by Bulgakov, The White Guard.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Nov 5, 2011

Понаехали тут

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Sep 10, 2011

Сыщик Самоваров

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Aug 30, 2011

Kamenskaya - 6

Kamenskaya - 6

Каменская - 6

Anastasia Pavlovna is the best analyst of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. Her sharp mind combined with extraordinary intuition and insight allows her to gloss through the most sophisticated crimes, calculate criminals by the most insignificant details of their behavior, psychology and deeds. Kamenskaya tackles insoluble affairs and always brings the investigation to an end, even if her own life is in jeopardy. This season, Kamenskaya will become the head of the analytical department of Petrovka. Her assistants will be Dotsenko and Dyuzhin, and Colonel Gordeyev remains the permanent commander. Nastya Kamenskaya will celebrate the anniversary, will be engaged in dancing and will find a new admirer!

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Jun 14, 2011

Only You

Only You

Только ты

They fell in love at first sight. But their path to happiness was very long. She will go against her father's wishes and go through a failed marriage. He will lose the closest person - his brother, go to prison, escape from it and almost die himself. They will have to survive betrayal, the death of loved ones, separation…

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

May 27, 2011




Biopic covering a large portion of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's life, from the Petrashevsky Circle to the writing of The Brothers Karamazov.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

May 21, 2011

Ya dozhdus

Ya dozhdus

Я дождусь

Russian miniseries.

1 ซีซัน
2 ตอน

Apr 9, 2011

Наш космос

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Mar 5, 2011


1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Jan 16, 2011

Everything for Your Sake

Everything for Your Sake

Всё ради тебя

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Jan 10, 2011

1 ซีซัน
14 ตอน

Sep 20, 2010

Detective Agency Ivan da Marya

Detective Agency Ivan da Marya

Детективное агентство Иван да Марья

Different as a plus and minus, the main characters intersect at first only for work, but soon a warm relationship arises between them. They have a different approach to investigating crimes, but the goal is the same. Sometimes it seems that they cannot exist side by side, but their agency successfully investigates a variety of cases – from spying on an unfaithful husband to solving crimes of national importance.

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

Mar 4, 2010


1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Dec 15, 2009

Из жизни капитана Черняева

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Jan 1, 2006

The Magic Hills

The Magic Hills

Волшебные холмы

The Magic Hills are a fairyland. It so happened that one day it was divided into four parts. Winter has remained forever on one Hill, spring on another, summer on the third, and autumn on the fourth. Funny little animals live on every Hill. But they don't know anything about each other. And then one day Vestochka — the Star Postman — decided to make friends with them all. To do this, she gave Elka the bear a magical dreamy telescope. Look into it at the place where you want to go, and you're already there.

2 ซีซัน
25 ตอน

Peter the Great: The Testament is a Russian TV series, made in 2011 and based on the novel by Daniil Granin's "Evenings with Peter the Great". The film was produced by Studio 2-B-2 entertainment and was shown on Rossiya 1, the Russian TV channel.

1 ซีซัน
0 ตอน

Close Happiness

Близкое счастье

A young businessman Ruslan Adamov owns the shopping center "Near Happiness" in Antalya. After the death of his wife, Ruslan devoted himself to his son and work and, despite his popularity with girls, does not start a serious relationship. One day, a Russian girl, Nina, appears in his store. Her foster parents' house burned down, and now she desperately needs a job. Having seen the potential in the girl, Ruslan takes her to himself. Nina turns out to be extremely talented: her suggestions surprise Adamov and benefit the business. Young people realize that they are seriously falling in love with each other, but circumstances are playing against them.

1 ซีซัน
1 ตอน