


May 26, 2014

Майор полиции

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

May 5, 2014

Wind in the Face

Wind in the Face

Ветер в лицо

Dina's ordinary life comes crashing down around her after her fiance's betrayal and her father's death. In her despair, she agrees to give up her unborn baby but when she realizes her mistake, it is too late. Desperate, she escapes and accidentally shoots at a woman passing by, killing her instantly. On the run, hiding from the law and full of self loathing at the killer she has become, Dina cannot give herself up as she doesn't want her baby to be born in prison and to grow up in an orphanage Fate sends her on many adventures both good and bad until destiny intervenes, bringing some normality back into her life and with it, the man of her dreams.

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

May 4, 2014




1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Mar 17, 2014

Where You Are

Where You Are

Там, где ты

Igor Rozhnov (Dmitry Ulyanov) could call himself an accomplished person. He has his own business, a chic mansion and a beautiful bride, Kristina (Yevgenia Loza). But successful life does not please Rozhnov. Deep down, he doesn't believe that he can be as happy again as he was thirteen years ago. Everything changes when Igor's competitors decide to ruin him. Without knowing it, they are giving him the biggest gift of his life.

1 ซีซัน
1 ตอน

Nov 28, 2013

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Шерлок Холмс

The action takes place in Victorian England in the last quarter of the 19th century. 27-year-old amateur detective Sherlock Holmes becomes a bystander to a crime along with Dr. John Watson, a military doctor who has just returned from the war in Afghanistan. During the investigation, Watson, not yet having an apartment in London, settles with Holmes in Mrs. Hudson's «half board», and then takes part in the affairs of his new friend. Watson gives Holmes boxing lessons. Watson himself is an experienced boxer, able to deal with several opponents with his bare hands. In addition, he is an excellent marksman. Considering Holmes a genius, the doctor decides to tell the whole world about his talent and the mysteries he revealed in his stories, where he often embellishes the events («the true story» of which the series presents). Watson is taught to embellish events by the editor-in-chief of the «Morning Chronicle».

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

Oct 31, 2013




1938, Soviet Russia. There were two of them, both strong and courageous. But one fateful day, Igor Petrov, the commander of a Red Army unit, is compelled to exchange ID papers with a satecracker known as Ash. The incident leads both men to start their lives completely anew. For the following ten years, Petrov and Ash will live their lives in the fear of discovery. They will commit acts of bravery and insidious crimes in the name of the other so that the thiet becomes a hero, while the commander turns into a violent outlaw. The only thing they have in common is a tragic, painful love for the same woman. For ten years they will each encounter death and destruction before fate brings them together once more. There will be two of them again - strong and courageous, ready to fight for their love.. with the knowledge that retribution awaits them.

1 ซีซัน
10 ตอน

Oct 9, 2013

Love in a Million

Love in a Million

Любовь на миллион

Folk wisdom says "in love, as in war, all means are good". But what if a man decides to cheat for the sake of the happiness of his beloved girl? Will wisdom work in this situation? Young teacher Marina is preparing for the wedding. Her fiance Volodya is a reliable and well-off person. Only life with him is too boring and predictable: as a former military man, everything is always planned in advance, calculated and laid out on the shelves.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Jul 8, 2013

The Attackers

The Attackers


The Eastern Front, 1943. Two Soviet pilots, straight out of training, join a veteran fighter squadron on the front line.

2 ซีซัน
24 ตอน

May 20, 2013

One! Two! Love You!

One! Two! Love You!

Раз! Два! Люблю тебя!

A young Cossack woman, Marina, works as a chief technologist at a local chocolate factory and is waiting for news from her husband, who left for work in Moscow after the wedding.

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

May 9, 2013

Смерть шпионам: Лисья нора

1 ซีซัน
1 ตอน

Apr 14, 2013

Assignments of Special Importance

Assignments of Special Importance

Задания особой важности

A group of Soviet spies performs missions of special importance during World War II.

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Nov 26, 2012

Dog Work

Dog Work

Собачья работа

Police captain cynologist Ilya Smagin during a special operation loses his partner and friend - dog Ragdai, one of the best "searchers" in the cynological service.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Nov 24, 2012

Костёр на снегу

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Oct 14, 2012

Life and Fate

Life and Fate

Жизнь и судьба

The plot takes place in 1942-1943, during the defense of Stalingrad. The Jew Viktor Strum is a talented nuclear physicist working in one of the country's institutes on the creation of an atomic bomb. At this time, Strum's relatives die in Nazi camps and NKVD dungeons, and persecution begins against him. The inventor can only be saved by his scientific brainchild, which Stalin himself became interested in. The state needs such a powerful weapon as an atomic bomb. The scientist has to make a choice: to remain faithful to science and work for the "leader of the nation" or to abandon his vocation and be destroyed.

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Sep 14, 2012

Цвет черёмухи

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

Aug 6, 2012

Отдел «С.С.С.Р»

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Jun 7, 2012


1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

May 9, 2012

Three Days of Lieutenant Kravtsov

Three Days of Lieutenant Kravtsov

Три дня лейтенанта Кравцова

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Apr 15, 2012

In the Risk Zone

В зоне риска

Operative Sergei Demidov is assigned to lead a new team. Wayward Vadim Bad Weather is an excellent operative and a daredevil, able to lend a helping hand in any situation, cover his back. Marina Govornova is a professional biathlete in the past, masterfully shoots from many types of weapons. In addition, it turns out that she has the gift of a negotiator. The "yellow kid" Denis Tavardin is well versed in computers and becomes the "technical genius" of the team...

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

Mar 13, 2012

3 ซีซัน
519 ตอน