Sep 29, 2021

On n'efface pas les souvenirs

When Anna disappears suddenly and without leaving a trace, the police feel it was probably deliberate. But her husband refuses to believe it. And rightly so, someone had tried to murder Anna. Saved by a local from the mountains, she wakes up in the Pyrenees, with no memory at all.


Sep 17, 2021

Lou's Neighbour

Lou's Neighbour (2021)

Le Voisin de Lou

Vladimir, 15-years-old, is secretly in love with his neighbour Lou. When Lou decides to leave her home to move in with her boyfriend – a man ten years older than her – Vladimir tries to put his jealousy aside to help her.


Sep 17, 2021

Between Two Dawns

Between Two Dawns (2021)

İki Şafak Arasında

After a worker is severely injured in their family business, Kadir is forced into making a moral decision, which will have an impact on his dreams, his family, and the life of injured worker’s wife


Sep 15, 2021

Ahed's Knee

An Israeli filmmaker throws himself in the midst of two battles doomed to fail: one against the death of freedom in his country, the other against the death of his mother.


Sep 15, 2021

The Emma Bovary Trial

The Emma Bovary Trial (2021)

Le Procès d'Emma Bovary

On January 31, 1857, the French writer Gustave Flaubert (1821-80) took his place in the dock for contempt of public morality and religion. The accused, the real one, is, through him, Emma Bovary, heroine with a thousand faces and a thousand desires, guilty without doubt of an unforgivable desire to live.


Sep 8, 2021

Hold Me Tight

At dawn, Clarisse takes a last look at her husband and two sleeping children, hesitates to leave a note, and hits the road. A desperate escape that gradually reveals its layers as Clarisse — who seems to have an extra-sensory connection to the family she has left behind — loses herself in the world.


Sep 1, 2021

Aug 25, 2021

Hard Shell, Soft Shell

Az works for an oyster farmer in Sète. He knows oysters by heart, he opens them by the hundreds. In one of them, Az decides to hide a ring, to ask his girlfriend Jess to marry him. She doesn't say yes. Fortunately, his band of friends are ready to do anything to help him get his head out of the water.


Aug 4, 2021

A Brighter Tomorrow

Thirty-something Mehdi is a safecracker. He and his mates are just trying to get by, but robbery isn’t paying like it used to. Day to day Mehdi tries to be a good son to his mother, and a good father to his 1-year-old son to win back his ex, Sarah.


Aug 4, 2021

Jackie Chan: Building an Icon

Jackie Chan: Building an Icon (2021)

Jackie Chan - Humour, gloire et kung-fu

Jackie Chan is a true icon of Asian and Chinese culture. Over a 45-year-long career, he has carved a niche for himself as an actor, stuntman, director, and screenwriter, but also singer and formidable businessman. After starring in almost 200 films, Jackie Chan has reconciled fans of genre film and Hollywood blockbusters, whilst bridging the gap between Asian and Western cinema. Through film excerpts, archive footage and images, and an offbeat approach inspired by the visual codes of the golden age of kung fu films, this documentary will take a look back at the creation of a popular hero who has come to be an icon for China, and for the entire Asian continent.


Jul 21, 2021

Kaamelott: The First Chapter

Kaamelott: The First Chapter (2021)

Kaamelott - Premier volet

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.


Jul 10, 2021

Notes for les Sanglières

Elsa Brès' "Notes for les Sanglières" imagines an alliance between wild boars and people grounded on concepts of boarcentrism, ecofeminism and forms of communal living. Shot in the area of the Cévennes, in the South of France, the video brings together ideas, experiments, field recordings and fiction tracks that sketch the common struggle of human and animal rights.


Jul 8, 2021

All Hands on Deck!

An unlikely oddball trio bond during an impromptu trip to the French countryside on a foolhardy romantic mission.


Jun 30, 2021

The Deep House

The Deep House (2021)


While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialise in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realise the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.


Jun 26, 2021

Promo 2000

The story of a woman who wants to be forgotten.


May 17, 2021

Spring Blossom

A 16-year-old girl, bored with her own age group, becomes involved with an older man at a theater she passes.


Apr 16, 2021



Mar 7, 2021

Pierre Cardin — A Figure of Modernity

Pierre Cardin — A Figure of Modernity (2021)

Pierre Cardin - La griffe de la modernité

The life of Pierre Cardin is the true and fascinating novel of the most controversial among the great French couturiers, from his miserable childhood as an Italian refugee to his exceptional artistic and economic success, which made him one of the five most famous French persons in the world.


Dec 27, 2020

Pierre & Lescure

Pierre & Lescure (2020)

Pierre et Lescure

Journalist, columnist, creator of the show Children of Rock, boss of Universal Studios, founder and president of Canal +, president of the Cannes film festival … Pierre Lescure has multiplied helmets throughout its existence. It is on this rich life that the latter agreed to return to the documentary Pierre & Lescure directed by his former colleague, Maxime Switek


Dec 1, 2020

The Black Book

The Black Book (2020)

Vie et Destin du Livre noir

The Black Book, drafted during World War II, gathers numerous unique historical testimonies, in an effort to document Nazi abuses against Jews in the USSR . Initially supported by the regime and aimed at providing evidence during the executioners’ trials in the post-war era, the Black Book was eventually banned and most of its authors executed on Stalin’s order. Told through the voices of its most famous instigators, soviet intellectuals Vassilli Grossman, Ilya Ehrenburg and Solomon Mikhoels, the documentary, provides a detailed account of the tragic destiny of this cursed book and puts the Holocaust and Stalinism in a new light.
