Nov 14, 2023

Russian Gas and the Nenets

Russian Gas and the Nenets (2023)

Gaz russe, la dernière route des Nenets

In the heart of the Arctic, the Yamal peninsula is the world’s largest gas exploitation zone, a symbol of Russia’s energy hyperpower, which caused the appetite of oil corporations. But the Yamal peninsula is also the ancestral home of the Nenets, who have been pasturing here with their droves for over 200 generations. Every year the nomads undertake a journey of 1500 km. But for how much longer can they survive? Today in Yamal, pastures have given way to gas fields. Growing towns, a railway, an airport, the deep scars on the landscape caused by extraction of gas and oil, and the new nuclear-powered icebreakers, which will create busy shipping lanes in the Arctic, are all changing the local ecosystem. With the industry dramatically modifying the landscape, accelerating the effects of global warming, the Nenets way of life is under threat. The documentary gives a unique insight into a vanishing way of life, enhanced by stunning aerial footage, and rare access to an extraordinary people.


Nov 13, 2023

La festa del ritorno

Seventies. In the unprecedented setting of an arbëresh community (the Albanians of Italy) in a small town nestled in the hills of Ionian Calabria, Marco, a thirteen-year-old boy, finds himself having to manage a complicated family situation. By chance he discovers that her sister Elisa, a university student in Cosenza, has a reaction with a married man much older than her.


Nov 2, 2023

À la Recherche

A farmhouse in the countryside around Rome in the 70s. Livia and Pietro write a script for Luchino Visconti based on 'In Search of Lost Time' by Marcel Proust.


Oct 25, 2023

Second Ttour

A disgraced political journalist placed in the soccer section, Miss Pove is asked to follow the presidential campaign in progress. The front-runner is a fifty-year-old heir to a powerful French family and a political novice. Troubled by this candidate, whom she has known to be less smooth in the past, Miss Pove embarks on an investigation that is as surprising as it is jubilant.


Oct 25, 2023

The Vourdalak

Lost in a hostile forest, the Marquis d'Urfé, a noble emissary of the King of France, finds refuge in the home of a strange family.


Oct 13, 2023

Oct 11, 2023

Take a Chance on Me

Take a Chance on Me (2023)

Marie-Line et son juge

Marie-Line is juggling between odd jobs to support her agoraphobic father. Despite the precariousness of their lifestyle, she remains a lively and cheerful young woman. Yet, after a series of unfortunate events, she is fired from her job and sentenced by a judge to a small penalty. A few days later, this very judge will be in a position to help her get back on track – a chance for Marie-Line but also the beginning of an unlikely friendship.


Oct 4, 2023

The Animal Kingdom

In a world hit by a wave of mutations transforming humans into animals, François does everything he can to save his wife. As some of the creatures disappear into a nearby forest, he and their son Émile embark on a quest that will change their lives forever.


Sep 27, 2023

Sep 13, 2023

A Real Job

A Real Job (2023)

Un métier sérieux

Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.


Sep 5, 2023

Chile: A Troublesome Legacy

Chile: A Troublesome Legacy (2023)

Chili, par la raison ou par la force

The rejection of the project for a new, more socially just constitution by the Chilean people in 2022 has reignited the conflicts that have plagued the country for five decades. On September 11, 1973, in a bloody military coup, General Pinochet ended the socialist revolution launched by President Salvador Allende, legitimately elected in a democratic election. The subsequent dictatorial regime with fascist features brought great violence and terror to the Chilean people. The accompanying neo-liberal economic system, which made the country one of the richest in the region, led to an ever-widening social gap in society, which in turn fell into a kind of passivity. In 2019, long after the dictator was voted out of office and the democratization that followed, a new social movement is shaking the prevailing order. From Allende's socialism to Pinochet's fascism, this historical fresco in documentary form returns to the origins of the rupture.


Sep 3, 2023

Little Queen

Stéphanie is a jovial and strong single mother. She shares everything with her 13-year-old daughter Léna: their passion for Angèle, their clothes, even the teenager's diary, in which Stéphanie corrects omissions... As they go to an Angèle concert with Kali, Lena's best friend, Stéphanie will realize that her baby has grown up.


Aug 14, 2023

Robert De Niro: Hiding in the Spotlight

Robert De Niro: Hiding in the Spotlight (2023)

Robert De Niro, l'arme du silence

Robert De Niro is famous for his award-winning portrayals of gangsters, criminals and socially disturbed men who show surprising traces of vulnerability. By analyzing his astonishing roles in iconic films through the years, the documentary reveal the complex actor behind these extreme characters. Because the public knows little about the man who is largely silent about his own life and emotions, this film tries to unwraps one of the most fascinating and enigmatic American actors of all time for the audience. For this the filmakers use clips from his feature films, archive footage of his sparse interviews and probe into his background to illustrate De Niro’s methods for becoming the characters he plays and the reasons he’s able to do so. All of this culminates in a rare exposé of the genesis of the hidden pain that enables the masterful actor to bring such intensity to the big screen.


Aug 4, 2023

Our Body

In a Parisian public hospital, Claire Simon questions what it means to live in women’s bodies, filming their diversity, singularity and their beauty in all stages throughout life. Unique stories of desires, fears and struggles unfold, including the one of the filmmaker herself.


Jul 19, 2023


Hounds (2023)

Les Meutes

In the working class suburbs of Casablanca. Hassan and Issam, father and son, try to survive from day to day, doing small deals for the local underworld. One night, a man they were supposed to kidnap dies accidentally in their car. Hassan and Issam find themselves with a corpse to dispose of. Then begins a long night through the underworld of the city.


Jun 18, 2023

The Enigmatic Charlotte Rampling

The Enigmatic Charlotte Rampling (2023)

L'Énigme Charlotte Rampling

Screen icon Charlotte Rampling has fascinated the world of cinema, fashion and photography with her mysterious and almost inaccessible beauty. A major figure in genre and auteur films, she is unclassifiable: between presence and absence, shyness and audacity, she's always hypnotic, magnetic and fascinating. From her film debut in the mid-1960s in England, to her unconventional career path, through the tragic loss suicide of her older sister that will irremediably mark her acting, this film is a dive into the existential quest of a complex actress, whose every facet is discovered through her roles. Through a conversation with the actress herself, along with personal archives and extracts from her films, this documentary raws a dazzling portrait of her life and career.


Jun 11, 2023

Paul Newman: The Restless

Paul Newman: The Restless (2023)

Paul Newman, l'intranquille

Multi-talented, Paul Newman is one of the greatest American actors of all time. With his silhouette of a Greek statue and his unreal blue eyes, he embodied the quintessential Hollywood star. But he never seemed satisfied. The son of a Jewish sporting goods retailer who despises him and a Catholic mother who adores him, driven by self-doubt and an inherited need for approval from his childhood, he has worked throughout his fifty-year career to break the image of the pretty boy. He made his first experiences in the famous Actors Studio. The breakthrough as a screen star came in 1958 with "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". From then on he preferred characters on the edge of the American dream. With archive images and film excerpts, the documentary paints a portrait of a socio-politically committed man with many facets and also pays tribute to the role of his wife Joanne Woodward.


May 31, 2023

Red Island

Madagascar, at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. On an air base of the French army, the soldiers live the last carefree years of colonialism. Influenced by his readings of Fantômette, Thomas, a child who is not yet 10 years old, gradually forges a look at the world around him.


May 26, 2023


Alice is 27 years old today. Even though she is suffocating a bit, she still lives with her parents and tends to live in her dreams to escape her dreary everyday life. After a psychedelic party on a factory roof, she has a serious drunken bike accident. Will this give her the courage to become an adult?
