Channel One

Channel One


Dec 31, 2015

Временно недоступен

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Nov 23, 2015

It Couldn't Be Better

It Couldn't Be Better

Лучше не бывает

Victoria Chernova lives up to a certain point, as befits a beautiful bird in a golden cage – without thinking much about anything. She has an exemplary husband and child, a beautiful and rich house, cheerful and successful girlfriends. And there is not a single wrinkle on the forehead, because all the problems have been solved for years to come. But suddenly it turns out that fate gave her all this once in advance. Moreover, now Victoria must repay this debt: so, one evening her husband unexpectedly announces that he has found another... That same evening, Vika is forced to start a new life: without money, with a child and a small suitcase of things, she moves to live with her son's nanny. And now she needs to earn at least some food somehow… Victoria is forced to get a job in an ordinary supermarket. Unexpectedly for herself, she will suddenly make a career in it. And he learns the real price of everything and everything: money, meanness, and love.

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Nov 15, 2015

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great


The history of the formation of the personality of the autocrat Catherine the Great from the moment of her arrival in Russia as the bride of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich to her ascension to the Russian throne. Almost 20 years of palace intrigues, conspiracies, power struggles and personal dramas.

1 ซีซัน
12 ตอน

Sep 20, 2015

Эти глаза напротив

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Jun 13, 2015

Freud's Method

Freud's Method

Метод Фрейда

A poker player and expert in psychology investigates cases in an unorthodox way.

2 ซีซัน
24 ตอน

Apr 11, 2015

Once There Was a Woman

Once There Was a Woman

Жила-была одна баба

The painful fate of a woman and a country. A TV version of Andrei Smirnov's tragic epic about a Tambov peasant woman.

1 ซีซัน
5 ตอน

Apr 2, 2015




An epic saga which takes place over a long time span from 1961 to 1991. From the midpoint of the story we view the friendship of four boys. In season main heroes are in their 20's, they are childhood friends, and for the sake of their friendship they are ready to sacrifice anything. Everyone has their own dreams, but their circumstances will take them on a difficult path and they will be forced into all kinds of underground economic dealings in the early 60s. And, worst of all - they are successful in this business. And the more successful they are, the further they get from their real dreams.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Mar 26, 2015

Орлова и Александров

1 ซีซัน
16 ตอน

Jan 19, 2015

1 ซีซัน
2 ตอน

Dec 24, 2014

Under the Thumb

Under the Thumb

Под каблуком

The life of an advertiser does not look successful: the work brings income and satisfaction, the beloved woman agreed to get married. But everything collapses in one moment: Kostya's father dies, and on his hands is not only a family business – a manufacturer of women's shoes, but also helpless relatives who are used to the fact that their problems are solved by a man. Kostya is clearly not suitable for the role of "head of the family": he does not devote enough time to his fiancee Sonya and daughter marusa, he does not communicate much with his mother, and even less with his daughter from his first marriage. He is not interested in the family business and does not delve into the business of the company. But the tragedy forces him to grow up: Kostya no longer goes with the flow, but finds the strength to stand at the helm of the company and be a support for all his women.

1 ซีซัน
1 ตอน

Nov 16, 2014

White Wolves

Белые волки

2 ซีซัน
26 ตอน

Oct 31, 2014

Evening Urgant

Evening Urgant

Вечерний Ургант

Evening show Ivan Urgant. Movies, sports, new gadgets, art. What is happening in the country and in the world? Actual characters discussing the day's events and new music.

3 ซีซัน
43 ตอน

Oct 30, 2014

Grigoriy R.

Grigoriy R.

Григорий Р.

1917, shortly after the assassination of Grigory Rasputin. The provisional government appoints investigator Heinrich Ivanovich Svitten to study the case of the deceased and find out who he really was for others and for the whole of Russia. Switten collects information bit by bit about the ambiguous elder, but sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish the truth from human speculation. Rasputin's confidants and even members of the royal family help him in the investigation, but everyone has a personal attitude towards this mysterious man. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, on the one hand, respects him immensely, and on the other hand, Switten notices something similar to fear.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Oct 9, 2014


1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Sep 9, 2014

The Sinner

The Sinner


When Vlad was five his mother was killed. And the only person whom Vlad blames for her death is his father . On the 20th anniversary of the tragedy the young man decides to gather all his relatives together to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. But at some point Vlad finds out many facts which totally change his life.

1 ซีซัน
2 ตอน

Sep 4, 2014

World War I

World War I

Первая мировая

World War 1. Over 35 world powers were involved in this conflict. As a result, four empires – Russian, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman and German – ceased to exist… The participant countries lost 12 million killed, 55 million were wounded… From the series, the viewers will learn about the overall course of the war and follow the incredible life stories of its heroes.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Aug 25, 2014

Ищу жену с ребёнком

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Jun 26, 2014

Море. Горы. Керамзит.

1 ซีซัน
8 ตอน

Jun 17, 2014

Old Gun

Old Gun

Старое ружьё

1 ซีซัน
4 ตอน

Jun 10, 2014


Kuprin (Yama, Vpotmakh, Poedinok)

1 ซีซัน
13 ตอน