
Uncle Alex

Дядя Леша

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8 ตอน



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One Call Bar

Бар «Один звонок»

In the One Call bar, anyone can call a deceased loved one by agreeing to a deadly game of Russian roulette. Investigator Andrey Morozov is looking for his missing son, and all the evidence leads to a mysterious bar that appears in different places, leaving behind the bodies of dead visitors.

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The First Number

Первый номер

Konstantin Inozemtsev is a ladies' man and a popular writer in the past. He continues to live in a big way, getting more and more into debt. Fate presents Kostya with a chance to restart his career by heading a fading glossy magazine. In a month, he has to release the first issue of the magazine under a new name, bring back the sweetheart of his life and prove to everyone that he is still worth something.

1 ซีซัน
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Beware, Kulik!

Осторожно, Кулик!

"Beware, Kulik!" is a modern sketch show, humorous in style like all previous sketches by Evgeny Kulik — funny, kind, funny. Each sketch, shot as a separate short film, will present different characters in different situations: funny, satirical and frightening.

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Comrade Major

Товарищ майор

San Sanych Kuleshov is a major of the FSB. He works in the wiretapping department. San Sanych has huge opportunities. He can connect to any smartphone, check any laptop, get into any desktop computer and find out everything about his "object". For many years, Sanych was part of a soulless state machine. He didn't ask unnecessary questions and did his job. So he lived to be 50 years old and suddenly realized that people are kind, weak and defenseless. They don't need surveillance, they need help. San Sanych becomes a hero, but a secret one. He appears where he is not expected, and causes good, despite the fact that no one asks him about it.

1 ซีซัน
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Minus Dima

Минус Дима

The Gromov family — grandmother Vera Egorovna, her daughters Ira and Lisa, and pregnant granddaughter Olya with her henpecked husband Tolik - have lived all their lives in the center of St. Petersburg in a large communal apartment. Finally, they decide to separate and spend their shares in the apartment in their own way. But when collecting documents, it turns out that Dima is still registered in the apartment — Ira's ex-husband and Olya's father, an alcoholic and manipulator who left the family a long time ago. A long search for Dima leads to nothing, and suddenly he himself appears on the threshold of the communal apartment. Gromov will not just have to say goodbye to his plans, but also live with Dima, who arranges drunken antics and antisocial behavior every day. It doesn't work out well to get rid of him, and out of desperation, the women decide that Dima should be killed.

1 ซีซัน
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Secrets of Karenina

Тайны Карениной

About the mysterious circumstances of Anna Karenina's life and the fate of all the characters in the novel.

1 ซีซัน
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Close Happiness

Близкое счастье

A young businessman Ruslan Adamov owns the shopping center "Near Happiness" in Antalya. After the death of his wife, Ruslan devoted himself to his son and work and, despite his popularity with girls, does not start a serious relationship. One day, a Russian girl, Nina, appears in his store. Her foster parents' house burned down, and now she desperately needs a job. Having seen the potential in the girl, Ruslan takes her to himself. Nina turns out to be extremely talented: her suggestions surprise Adamov and benefit the business. Young people realize that they are seriously falling in love with each other, but circumstances are playing against them.

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