France Télévisions

France Télévisions


Nov 19, 2021

The Nameless Woman: The Story of Jeanne & Baudelaire

The Nameless Woman: The Story of Jeanne & Baudelaire (2021)

La femme sans nom : l'histoire de Jeanne et Baudelaire

The story, hidden by historians and biographers, of Jeanne, a black woman, whose real name is unknown, who was the muse and companion of the mythical French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867).


Nov 18, 2021

Des traîtres dans la Résistance

In May 1943, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the new head of the Reich Central Security Office, gave Hitler a report describing in detail the organization of the French Resistance. Indeed, during the Second World War, most of the Resistance networks had been infiltrated by traitors, the "V Man" (trusted men) in the service of the occupier. The Germans had established treason as a system and recruiting Frenchmen ready to inform on them was one of their priorities. It was these Frenchmen, whose number is estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, who dealt terrible blows to the Resistance.


Nov 17, 2021

Noir comme neige

It's peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. French high mountain state police officer Constance Vivier and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.


Nov 14, 2021


It's a crazy story. A happy journey to the epicenters of madness, the show parades portraits of a humanity of bipolar, paranoid and lost of all kinds, thugs and geniuses, surrounded by the dreams of pink rabbits in the hell of overwhelmed doctors ...


Nov 14, 2021

Nov 10, 2021

Nov 9, 2021

Kalahari, l'autre loi de la jungle

For the animal and plant world that lives there, the Kalahari is a region as grandiose as it is unforgiving. For a long time it was thought that only the law of the strongest could survive here. But a completely different strategy is needed: cooperation.


Nov 7, 2021

Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d'un révolté

Frantz Fanon alone embodies all the issues of French colonial history. Martinican resistance fighter, he enlisted, like millions of colonial soldiers, in the Free Army out of loyalty to France and the idea of freedom that it embodies for him. A writer, he participated in the bubbling life of Saint-Germain with Césaire, Senghor and Sartre, debating tirelessly on the destiny of colonized peoples. As a doctor, he revolutionized the practice of psychiatry, seeking in the relations of domination of colonial societies the foundations of the pathologies of his patients in Blida. Activist, he brings together through his action and his history of him, the anger of peoples crushed by centuries of colonial oppression. But beyond this exceptional journey which makes sensitive the permanence of French colonialism in the Lesser Antilles at the gates of the Algerian desert, he leaves an incomparable body of work which has made him today one of the most studied French authors across the Atlantic.


Nov 2, 2021

Laval, le collaborateur

Several times president of the Council, at the end of the 1930s Pierre Laval became one of Marshal Pétain's strongmen, a loyal collaborator for the Germans. Rounding-up Jews, forced labour, tracking the French resistance..., he served Hitler faithfully to the end. When France was liberated, he was tried, condemned, shot.


Oct 31, 2021

The Baudis affair, the murderous rumor

The Baudis affair, the murderous rumor (2021)

L'Affaire Baudis, la rumeur meurtrière

In 2002, serial killer Patrice Alègre was sentenced to life imprisonment for five murders. Gendarme Roussel, the main investigator of this case, believes that he will make him confess to other unsolved crimes in Toulouse. Two ex-prostitutes give a series of names of presumed accomplices of the killer, among them Dominique Baudis, then president of the CSA. He decides to face the case alone. Around him, it is silence: not an official support of his political family. Almost twenty years later, we return to the Baudis affair to try to understand it, with the testimonies of Pierre and Benjamin Baudis, his sons, François Hollande, Camille Pascal and the main protagonists.


Oct 20, 2021

Lost Illusions

Lost Illusions (2021)

Illusions perdues

Lucien de Rubempré, a young, lower-class poet, leaves his family's printing house for Paris. Soon, he learns the dark side of the arts business as he tries to stay true to his dreams.


Oct 15, 2021

L'heureux Stratagème


Oct 13, 2021

The Man in the Basement

A Parisian couple decides to sell an unsanitary basement in their building. A very ordinary, nondescript man, Mr. Fonzic, shows up to buy it. Nothing unusual there, until the man moves into the cellar and makes it his permanent residence. The couple tries desperately to cancel the sale but to no avail. Worse, Mr. Fonzic becomes a threat to their family as he befriends their teenage daughter on whom he seems to exert a perverted influence.


Oct 11, 2021

Online Justice

Online Justice (2021)

Jugé sans justice

A man is caught in a storm of public rage when a 16-year-old girl mounts a social media campaign accusing him of murdering her father.


Oct 3, 2021

Stasi, un État contre son peuple

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, thousands of documents were hastily shredded by the dreaded GDR political police. 16,000 bags filled with six million pieces of paper were found. Thanks to the meticulous work of technology, the destinies of men and women who had been spied on and recorded without their knowledge could be reconstructed.


Oct 2, 2021

France, le fabuleux voyage

Rather than learning France's history through its people, we explore its natural history. A two billion-year journey back in time to look at the country's geological heritage: a mountain chain becomes Brittany, lagoons where Paris now stands, ice from the Aiguille du Midi maps the routes of rivers flowing seawards.


Sep 29, 2021

Rabbids Invasion - Mission To Mars

Rabbids Invasion - Mission To Mars (2021)

Les Lapins Crétins - Invasion : Objectif Mars

When Nebulous Industries announces they are recruiting Rabbids for a mission to Mars, Hibernation Rabbid doesn’t think twice. As a genius Rabbid misunderstood by his stupid peers, he has always dreamed of going to the red planet. He takes off with three other Rabbids: Disco, the lively queen of the dance-floor, Cosmo, the pilot and Mini, the adorable tiny Rabbid. Facing an interplanetary space threat, our heroes will have to learn how to overcome their differences and understand that true wisdom comes from the heart!


Sep 29, 2021

On n'efface pas les souvenirs

When Anna disappears suddenly and without leaving a trace, the police feel it was probably deliberate. But her husband refuses to believe it. And rightly so, someone had tried to murder Anna. Saved by a local from the mountains, she wakes up in the Pyrenees, with no memory at all.


Sep 29, 2021

Sep 29, 2021


Paris, sum­mer 2020. Actors from “la Comédie-Française”, France’s most pres­ti­gious the­ater, rehearse Christophe Hon­oré’s new play, an adap­ta­tion of Mar­cel Proust’s “The Guer­mantes Way”. When the show is sud­den­ly can­celed, the dra­ma group decides to go ahead with it any­way, in the name of art and for the joy of act­ing together.
