France Télévisions

France Télévisions


Mar 29, 2011

Mar 7, 2011

The Straight Line

Leila is released from prison after five years of confinement. She will meet Yannick, a young athlete who became blind after an accident. This last practice race despite his disability, but to run it must be connected by a wire to guide a person called. It offers Leila to be his guide. Through this project, they will learn to rebuild.


Feb 19, 2011

Jan 1, 2011

C'est toi, c'est tout


Dec 23, 2010

Loopdidoo’s Zany Christmas

Loopdidoo’s Zany Christmas (2010)

L'incroyable Noël de Grabouillon

A snowy fairy-tale setting. A full moon. The house and garden are overflowing with glowing, twinkling Christmas decorations. LOOPDIDOO is busily flattening a long stretch of snow: his landing strip is ready! Now all he has to do is wait… But for whom? Santa, of course! PETUNIA, doubled up with laughter, gently teases him: it’ll never work! But would you know it, PETUNIA’s wrong! All of a sudden, SANTA crosses the moonlit sky in a superb, art-deco-pimped chopper-sleigh. LOOPDIDOO starts dancing around like crazy, waving his fluorescent sticks in the air to grab his attention. But then, distracted by our loopy dog, SANTA loses control of his sleigh… and crashes into the moon! Explosion! In a shower of sparks, the sleigh falls earthbound… and more precisely right into PETUNIA’s garden! As for SANTA, he’s marooned on the moon, with his sack of Christmas gifts! PETUNIA can’t believe her binoculars… Nice one, LOOPDIDOO, now that is a blunder… The blunder of the century!


Dec 22, 2010

The Life Before Us

Re-adaptation of the novel by Emile Ajar (Romain Gary). The story of the Arab orphan boy Momo and the aged prostitute Madame Rosa, who survived Auschwitz.


Dec 18, 2010

À vos caisses !


Dec 4, 2010

Un fil à la patte


Nov 10, 2010

Trophy Wife

In 1977 France, tightfisted factory owner Robert Pujol is so shocked when his workers strike for higher wages that he suffers a heart attack. His acquiescent wife, Suzanne, whose father had founded the factory, takes over management duties during Robert's convalescence.


Nov 5, 2010

Le Troisième Jour


Sep 21, 2010

Miam Miam


Sep 16, 2010

Sarah's Key

Sarah's Key (2010)

Elle s'appelait Sarah

On the night of 16 July 1942, ten year old Sarah and her parents are being arrested and transported to the Velodrome d'Hiver in Paris where thousands of other jews are being sent to get deported. Sarah however managed to lock her little brother in a closet just before the police entered their apartment. Sixty years later, Julia Jarmond, an American journalist in Paris, gets the assignment to write an article about this raid, a black page in the history of France. She starts digging archives and through Sarah's file discovers a well kept secret about her own in-laws.


Sep 10, 2010

Le Technicien

After a painful separation 25 years ago, Séverine chose to immerse herself in work. She has created her own publishing house, small, of course, but one which gives her full satisfaction. Until the day when Jean-Pierre, her ex-husband, former business banker, shows up in his office. He is completely ruined, unemployed, and threatened with expulsion. Séverine agrees to help him on two conditions: nobody needs to know who he really is, and he will be a ... surface technician.


Sep 9, 2010

Roses on Credit

Roses on Credit (2010)

Roses à crédit

A young couple marry in France in the 1940s and the film follows the arc of their marriage over the next decade. As France recovers from the trauma of the war, the wife finds herself increasingly caught up in acquiring material possessions while the husband prefers a more traditional lifestyle.


Aug 25, 2010

La Nueve, the Forgotten Men of the 9th Company

La Nueve, the Forgotten Men of the 9th Company (2010)

La Nueve ou les Oubliés de la victoire

The story of the Spanish Republicans of La Nueve, the 9th Company of the Régiment de marche du Tchad, part of the French 2nd Armored Division, known as Leclerc Division, whose troops were the first who entered Nazi-occupied Paris on August 24, 1944.


Aug 15, 2010

Jun 8, 2010

L'appel du 18 juin


May 20, 2010

Little Tailor

There’s Evelyne who loves Albert, who loves Arthur, who loves the girl who plays the actress, who loves the man driving the convertible. There’s the night which only loves itself and death which only loves once. It would take more breath to kiss everyone and more time not to displease anyone.


Apr 11, 2010

Catherine Deneuve, belle et bien là

Catherine Deneuve couldn’t care less about being a celebrity, but fame made her an icon long ago and she occupies a special place in our imagination. The star is not one to let others get too close, but when she gives you her confidence, she keeps her word. If Deneuve’s career covers a half-century of cinema, it also bears witness to the force of a generation that experienced the deepest transformation of mores. This portrait reflects her entirely. The story of a mystery and an adventure.
