TVN Warner Bros. Discovery

TVN Warner Bros. Discovery


Nov 7, 2025


Feb 7, 2025


Nov 7, 2024

Letters to Santa 6 (2024)

Listy do M. Pożegnania i powroty


Sep 20, 2024

The A(A) Team

In order to save their rehab facility, four cross-addicted anonymous alcoholics undertake a very risky task to smuggle two tankers of spirit across Poland. For their own safety, they kidnap their therapist for the trip. However, the journey turns out to be more dangerous than they expected. After them – or rather the illegal alcohol they are transporting – is a Customs Officer, who is not entirely who she says she is. From then on, everything gets complicated.


May 26, 2024

I Am the Creation of Fiction

I Am the Creation of Fiction (2024)

Jestem postacią fikcyjną

"I achieved everything I wanted in life," says the outstanding Polish actor Andrzej Seweryn, and then he takes us on a dynamic journey through subsequent professional challenges, which he still takes up with youthful verve. This is not a biography summarizing his artistic achievements - hundreds of outstanding film and theater roles, political activities or many years as director of the Polish Theater.


Feb 16, 2024

Our Folks: The Beginning

Pawlak and Kargul – the protagonists of the cult-favourite trilogy “Our Folks” – had been neighbours in a village in Podolia before they ended up in the Recovered Territories. Even then, it was one explosive neighbourhood.


Jan 5, 2024

Kleks Academy

Kleks Academy (2024)


เพื่อตามหาพ่อที่หายตัวไป เด็กสาวธรรมดาๆ จึงตอบรับคำเชิญให้มาร่ำเรียนที่สถาบันเวทมนตร์ ภายใต้การกำกับดูแลของคุณครูสุดเพี้ยนนามว่า คุณเคล็กซ์


