
Mar 25, 2016

Mar 9, 2016

Shed My Skin

The adolescent Milan discovers his own suspected homosexuality at the age of 17 and the consequences for him and his family but also the liberation as he understands why he has been so down and rebellious.


Jan 11, 2016

The Olympic Dream: 1936 Nazi Games

Leni Riefenstahl's flamboyant Nazi aesthetics shaped the public image of the 1936 Olympics. Never before had sports and politics been mixed. Through archive photos and reconstructions, we get a closer look into the historical propaganda show.


Nov 5, 2015

Erich Mielke - Master of Fear

Erich Mielke - Master of Fear (2015)

Erich Mielke - Meister der Angst

Docudrama about life, career and breakdown of Erich Mielke, the former Security chief of East Germany.


Sep 12, 2015

A Heavy Heart

A former East German boxing champion reduced to working as a bouncer and debt collector is forced to reflect on his life when he is diagnosed with a fatal disease.


Dec 21, 2014

Nov 5, 2014

Open the Wall

Open the Wall (2014)

Bornholmer Straße

A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.


Oct 17, 2014

Mar 20, 2014

Feb 7, 2014

Anywhere Else

You left your home to move far away. You were struck by a wind of change and were unfaithful to yourself. You reinvented yourself and you are now feeling free. But suddenly pressure arises in you.


Jan 23, 2014

Karpov Kasparov - Two Kings for a Crown

Karpov Kasparov - Two Kings for a Crown (2014)

Karpov / Kasparov, deux rois pour une couronne

Interwoven portraits of Anatoli Karpov and Garry Kasparov, whose 25-year bitter rivalry accompanied the fall of the USSR. The story of a duel between two chess giants, fighting a personal war in a world gone to ruin. This battle of black and white was more than a face-off over a chessboard. Part psychological drama, part political thriller, the film brings to life their hostilities, nested like Russian dolls. Karpov vs. Kasparov represents the battle between the faltering empire and the young liberals several steps ahead of the game, checkmating the old guard. Or how two stories – the societal one and the personal one – started out separately and ended up superimposed, twining together into one tale.


Dec 23, 2013

Helmut Schmidt - Questions of life

Helmut Schmidt - Questions of life (2013)

Helmut Schmidt – Lebensfragen

On December 23, 2013, former Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt will be 95 years old. As the second Social Democratic head of government in the Federal Republic of Germany, he shaped the country like few other chancellors. Even 30 years after the end of his time in government, he is still a highly esteemed expert whose advice and opinions are in demand. He is one of the most popular chancellors among the population and is held in the highest esteem by his party; even his political opponents at the time pay him the greatest respect.


Nov 14, 2013

In her documentary, director Sabine Michel revisits her own experiences during the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and Germany's subsequent reunification, as well as those of her four friends Claudi, Vera, Claudia and Veruscha. The five women were about 18 years old at that time, and belonged to the last school class in Dresden to graduate in the German Democratic Republic. The country and society school had prepared them for suddenly ceased to exist, thus they had to completely start anew. More than twenty years later, the five women travel to Paris together. During the train ride, they talk about their former dreams and aspirations, and how different their lives turned out to be.


Nov 5, 2013

Egypt's Sunken City – A Legend Is Revealed

Egypt's Sunken City – A Legend Is Revealed (2013)

Ägyptens versunkene Hafenstadt – Ein Mythos taucht auf

Looking for a forgotten city: off the coast of Egypt, just a few metres under the surface, but blanketed by sand and mud, slumbers the ancient port of Heracleion.


Oct 24, 2013


November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...


Aug 9, 2013

Jedes Jahr im Juni

Each year in June, Bavarian housewife Elke Richter visits family in Halle, in the GDR. There she meets family friend Gregor Pohl, a married carpenter, and they begin having an affair. After her family stops the annual visits due to the husband's promotion in the communist regime, the adulterous couple arranges to meet on other holidays. After Gorbachev's Glasnost leads to the fall of the Iron Curtain, everything changes, and Gregor chooses to emigrate to Canada.


May 9, 2013

Apr 2, 2013

The End of Lies

The End of Lies (2013)

Am Ende der Lüge

Almost 15 years, the unequal sisters Mia and Susanne have not seen each other. But after her mother's death, Mia returns to her family. Problems are preprogrammed. But the fight for the family business and the memory of an old unfortunate pact connect the freedom-loving Mia and the family man Susanne.
