Łoziński Production


Sep 23, 2016

You Have No Idea How Much I Love You

You Have No Idea How Much I Love You (2016)

Nawet nie wiesz, jak bardzo Cię kocham

Relationships with the people you love most are often the most complicated. This is the problem Hania and her mother Ewa face during their sessions with a psychotherapist, filmed intimately and with the utmost respect by director Paweł Łoziński. The camera always focuses on one person at a time, revealing every emotion hidden behind the words and silences. The empathetic therapist carefully but purposefully peels away the hard layers under which mother and daughter shield themselves. Little by little, the personal tragedies that hamper their communication rise to the surface, as well as the source of the longing for love and acknowledgement that they find so hard to fulfill.


May 29, 2013

Father and Son

Two acclaimed documentary film-makers - father and son - drive from Poland to Paris to see the place where the ashes of the father's mother are buried. What accompanies them on the way are resentments, quarrels and sincere confessions.


May 27, 2013

Marcel Lozinski was born in May 1940 in Paris, and he spent part of his childhood in various children’s homes. His Jewish communist parents were members of the resistance. After the war he went with his mother to Poland, where he became a celebrated documentary maker of some 20 films. Prompted by his son Pawel, also a renowned documentarian, the pair embark on a road trip from Warsaw to Paris. Father and son point the camera at each other and themselves and take stock of one another. In the end, the two men each made their own film about this journey.


