Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg

Sep 12, 2021

Ein einfaches Ereignis


Sep 12, 2021

Der Müll der Anderen

A backyard somewhere in Germany. In the midst of it, two women throwing garbage bags at each other. What happened? Lilly, a student and keen environmentalist, finds plastic bags in the organic waste. What a bloody scandal! Quickly, she inspects the contents of the bags and finds sesame rings. She puts two and two together: It could only have been the baker, Ayse.


Sep 12, 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Geborgtes Weiß


Sep 2, 2021

Blurred Lines

Janik and Samuel are best friends and enjoy the end of high school. Their worlds are different: Janik has parents who always do everything right, while Samuel comes from a broken home. Samuel wants order, Janik wants chaos. A thoughtless moment puts the close bond between the two friends in jeopardy. As they set off on their long-planned trip to Istanbul, the boys are looking to save their friendship, enjoy their freedom and try out a new life.


Aug 12, 2021

The Last Execution

The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute loyalty to the system and agrees to work for the GDR's foreign intelligence service until he can take up his new position. Together with his colleague Dirk, he is sent on foreign assignments to West Germany. Franz soon has to use blackmail to get innocent people to talk. But his superiors go even further: GDR refugees and their relatives are targeted to be psychologically destroyed, forged letters, medical diagnoses, surveillance and wiretapping are on the agenda. However, this is more than Franz can bear: he feels powerless and increasingly isolates himself. When he then decides to steal secret documents for a later defection to the West, this results in an unfortunate chain reaction leading to his arrest and ultimately to his execution...


Aug 5, 2021

Look Me Over: Liberace

He was America's first idol, icon, pompous pianist, pop star, egomaniac and show giant. Liberace's life was a rush, always in the fast lane on the highways between Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Palm Springs. In the middle of the Californian desert, where Hollywood stars celebrated wild parties at their pools in their "private oasis", he led an ambivalent life between pomp and secrecy. Liberace knew the entire "who is who" of Hollywood. Some of them he needed as an alibi, some to admire, some to promote. This documentary focuses on his life and success story as part of the "American Dream" in the bigotry of a divided society.


Aug 5, 2021

Fabian: Going to the Dogs

Fabian: Going to the Dogs (2021)

Fabian oder der Gang vor die Hunde

In 1930s Berlin, Dr. Jakob Fabian, who works by day in advertising for a cigarette company and by night wanders the streets of the city, falls in love with an actress. As her career begins to blossom, prospects for his future begin to wane.


Jul 22, 2021

Tunnel to Freedom

Tunnel to Freedom (2021)

Tunnel der Freiheit

13 August 1961: the GDR closes the sector borders in Berlin. The city is divided overnight. Escape to the West becomes more dangerous every day. But on September 14, 1962, exactly one year, one month and one day after the Wall was built, a group of 29 people from the GDR managed to escape spectacularly through a 135-meter tunnel to the West. For more than 4 months, students from West Berlin, including 2 Italians, dug this tunnel. When the tunnel builders ran out of money after only a few meters of digging, they came up with the idea of marketing the escape tunnel. They sell the film rights to the story exclusively to NBC, an American television station.


Jul 15, 2021

Sisters Apart

Rojda, a native of Iraqi Kurdistan and a soldier in the German army, travels to a refugee camp in Greece where she manages to meet her mother, who has bad news about her sister Dilan.


Jul 8, 2021

Who We Were

A look at the current state of the world, from the hand of six intellectuals and scientists who reflect on the present and postulate about the future.


May 27, 2021

The Blade Runner Phenomenon

The Blade Runner Phenomenon (2021)

Das Phänomen Blade Runner

Ridley Scott's cult film Blade Runner, based on a novel by Philip K. Dick and released in 1982, is one of the most influential science fiction films ever made. Its depiction of Los Angeles in the year 2019 is oppressively prophetic: climate catastrophe, increasing public surveillance, powerful monopolistic corporations, highly evolved artificial intelligence; a fantastic vision of the future world that has become a frightening reality.


May 20, 2021

Wirecard: The Billion Euro Lie

Wirecard: The Billion Euro Lie (2021)

Wirecard - Die Milliarden-Lüge

Wirecard: a beacon of hope for Germany's future industries. A FinTech with a dark mucky past and a grandiose future. A company that was set to take over Deutsche Bank in 2019. Until the marvel collapses as a tissue of lies in June 2020, leaving a black hole of 3.2 billion euros in debt.


May 6, 2021

Spielball der Weltpolitik – Als Elten niederländisch wurde

It is an unknown chapter of the German post-war history: On April 23rd, 1949, the kingdom of the Netherlands occupied German soil as a pledge for demanded war reparations. Part of the annexed territories was also the small municipality of Elten. While the people of Elten were initially afraid of the occupation, the time “with Holland” actually became a miracle of prosperity and economy about which many people from Elten still rave today. The occupation period ended with the largest organized smuggling in the history of the federal republic of Germany. The Documentary shows this in never before released 8 mm footage!


May 2, 2021

The Genius of Gothic Art

The Genius of Gothic Art (2021)

Grusel, Glaube und Genie – Gotik!

Death and the devil, nudity and eroticism, horror in blazing colours, Gothic art cast a spell over people 500 years ago. In these image-poor times, art deliberately and skilfully played with the emotions of the viewer, triggering fear, devotion, but also rapture. Art documentary on German gothic art of the late-middle ages.


Apr 30, 2021

An seiner Seite


Apr 29, 2021

Erna, Helmut and the Nazis

Erna, Helmut and the Nazis (2021)

Eine Familie unterm Hakenkreuz

Germany, 1929. Helmut Machemer and Erna Schwalbe fall madly in love and marry in 1932. Everything indicates that a bright future awaits them; but then, in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power and their lives are suddenly put in danger because of Erna's Jewish ancestry.
